Distributed teams or distributed workforce is not a new concept for entrepreneurs. However, with dynamic technology, the business world underwent a revolution and with it the concept of distributed teams. Today, employees have a plethora of options to work from different places and this changed traditional organizational models.
A number of companies follow an organizational model using which they distribute a significant percentage of employees. Despite the fact that the structure involves multiple challenges, businesses cannot ignore the critical benefits this concept entails.
If you are an entrepreneur and looking for a strong organizational model to improve your work pattern, here is what you need to know about a distributed team and its benefits:
Work Style Evolution
In the traditional setup of offices, people work together under one roof. There is no denying that this is one of the efficient ways to work when employees are present in an in-house setup. As mentioned earlier, things changed and traditional models saw an evolution in terms of the working environment.
That means now working in a strict schedule with a little flexibility is not a requirement anymore. The tech world offers plenty of choices for both companies and employees to work with flexible hours. Many workers now have the option to work remotely as long as they are meeting the work requirements. Employees have a lot of freedom to work from wherever they want, making the most of their flexible working hours.
By tailoring this workforce, companies are now able to match the work stream as well as employees working style. That means the organizations that support the concept of distributed teams attract top talent as well as stay competitive.
Why A Distributed Team Is Beneficial For Companies?
This might sound surprising to you but the concept of a distributed team does not only facilitate employees. It has a myriad of benefits when it comes to retaining employees and building a strong team.
Talent Beyond Geographic Boundaries
This is one of the most significant benefits of a distributed team. It makes hiring a skilled individual who lives in different parts of the world extremely easy. Employers can open a remote position for anyone wishing to work from home or any other part of the world.
This means now organizations can easily find a bigger pool of qualified employees if they are willing to become remote workers. Companies no longer face restrictions in terms of hiring candidates living in the same city. Distance does not matter, as talent hunt becomes easy and efficient.
Build a Team with the Talent You Want
No matter if your business deals in highly competitive areas and requires people who are truly professional and dedicated. Distributed teams enable you to recruit talent that can meet the demands of your challenging work.
The Team Has an Incredible Amount of Freedom
This benefit is significant when it comes to enumerating the advantages of distributing teams. Being a part of a distributed team does not only save commute time but also gives an incredible amount of freedom to employees. They have plenty of time to travel, spend time with family and participate in several other leisure activities. It is all because the working hours are flexible and the team member gets a chance to balance their work and family while sustaining productivity.
Better Coverage
Working with a team spread across different regions and time zones provides businesses with a great ability to have better coverage in this global environment. With distributed teams, there is no need to make employees work in different shifts for providing sufficient coverage. Businesses can hire team members and place them in various strategic locations to solve the issue.
Provides Headcount Affordably
Although cost-saving is not the only reason to create a distributed team, it can help you save a lot of money. This means if your office location is expensive and you are already paying high wages, there is no need to expand the office space. You can rely on a distributed team to complete your work without having to pay for office space.
Work-Life Balance
There is no doubt that a well-managed team has a way more high morale than employees working with a fixed schedule. This is simply because team members do not have to compromise their personal life to achieve their professional goals.
Increased Productivity
Working in a peaceful atmosphere without distractions results in a better quality of work. Although calls, notifications, Skype or emails can distract you, you can easily manage them.
A Chance to Create a Diverse Team
Cultural diversity in the distribute teams play a critical role when it comes to thinking out of the box or demonstrating creativity. A number of studies show that diversity in teams brings out their best in terms of unconventional solutions and adopting new ideas. It is an excellent way to create an innovative team.
Provide Flexibility
As mentioned above, one of the major benefits of having a distributed team is it gives employees more flexibility to work. It does not only facilitate workers in managing their personal schedule but also work. For example, if a team member has to travel somewhere or change geographic location, the team structure accommodates it without losing that employee.
Fewer Overheads
Another potential benefit a distributed team provides to a company is lower overheads. This means companies can be a bit leaner with no office space rent, furniture cost, electricity cost, water cooler, and other expenses.
However, you cannot exclude the travel cost when an in-person meeting is necessary with a team member but even then it is way more affordable than a conventional in-office working model. Decide on a common meeting place and make this process cost-efficient.
Final Thoughts
To a small extent, work flexibility, better productivity, global coverage, and many personal benefits make distributed team one of the best business models any company may choose. It is an easy way to work with a happier workforce.
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