Business Plans Begin With a Mission to Thrive

Business plans are meant to be adaptable plans for thriving, not just surviving, as a company. Yet, according to famed Harvard professor John Kotter, 70 percent of business initiatives meant to bring organizational change will fail. That is an impressive number because it means efforts to adapt to a changing marketplace are failing. There is a disconnect between the business plan founded on a mission and the real world.

The problem is often one of losing sight of the company mission and failing to plan. The mission statement represents the starting point for the direction of the business plan and captures the essence of business purpose. It has a philosophy underlying it that does not change. Philosophies are encompassing, so the mission statement is a reflection of the nature of products or services sold, potential for growth, pricing strategy, customer service, role in the community, competition and much more.

On a Mission to Fulfill a Mission

The business plan needs to be developed so that each and every section drives the business towards fulfillment of the mission. A change initiative is merely a strategy for keeping the business on track to fulfill the mission. Leading change requires first turning to the mission statement and the business plan. A business that needs to change must be able to communicate a sense of urgency throughout the organization because staying true to the mission statement is necessary to thrive. If a change initiative is needed, it means the business has gotten off course from its mission and its vision.

The business plan goals and strategies may need to be revised, but that should always be a step in the change process. In fact, business plans can serve as the guide for change as each section, from the Executive Summary to the Financial Statements, are reviewed in light of the need for change. Leadership will identify specific strategies for incorporating change and then communicate the revisions on an organization-wide basis. The change process must be empowering and encompassing, meaning employees at all levels should be embraced as change agents.

Business plans begin with a mission statement and then serve as a living breathing document. Leading organizational change is not always easy, but it can be impossible unless there is buy-in to the mission and the business plan. The strategies used to get that buy-in can vary, but staying on message cannot.

More detailed information and useful advice can be found at Created by Mark Favre, it offers expertise and assistance with developing and funding your concept, including a private forum for queries and discussions. If you need access to investors and funding providers, please do check our website.

Planning for Change in Business Plans

Business plans are not etched in stone; yet that is exactly how some businesses treat them. The business plans are written and then put into a proverbial drawer where they never see the light of day. One day the plan is dusted off, updated for the Board of Directors, and then put back into the drawer. This does not make sense after so much time and effort has been put into developing a plan that is supposed to establish a clear path to success.

Viable businesses never stand still. They are movers and shakers as they interact with customers, develop new products and services, and adapt to good and poor economies. When major changes happen that affect your business, it is like a time warp because everything changes from that point forward. Change is always imminent today and largely because of technology. Businesses can enter the marketplace faster and roll out a marketing program quickly on the internet.

The business plan can quickly become an anachronism if it does not plan for change. This doesn’t mean doing multiple business plans addressing all the what-if scenarios. However, change should be built in to the business plan process. First you develop a business plan based on the most sensible goals using current knowledge and expectations for the future. You can include a decision tree analysis section, if desired. However, you plan to change by simply doing an honest and regular review of the developed business plan.

It is important to have the same groups involved in the original plan development also participate in review sessions. The business plan may need to be revised, but you have identified where and how which is good strategic management.

The real issue is whether management can develop the discipline needed to make sure the business plan is regularly reviewed. Developing business plans should not merely be an academic exercise. It needs to be an important management function.

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Preplanning the Business Plan

The Small Business Administration contracted with William B. Garner, a Spiro Professor of Entrepreneurial Leadership at Clemson University and Jianwen Liao, Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the Illinois Institute of Technology to study pre-venture planning and entrepreneurs. Published February 2009 by the SBA Office of Advocacy, the article titled Are Planners Doers? Pre-Venture Planning and the Start-Up Behaviors of Entrepreneurs reports some interesting findings that all entrepreneurs should know.

First, the professors reported that, indeed, “…early formal planners are doers. We believe that challenging prospective entrepreneurs to accomplish a formal business plan early in the venture creation process will likely enable them to engage in additional start-up behavior that could further the process of business creation.” In other words, the business plan is informative and motivating.

The reasons given in the report for the importance of business planning include:

  • Entrepreneur can identify what he or she doesn’t know
  • Early identification of needed resources and when they will be needed
  • Identification of specific problem solving actions
  • Identification of actions needed to attain goals
  • Ability to communicate objectives, purposes and activities to others
  • Assessment of accuracy of business assumptions concerning resources, knowledge level, potential customers and beliefs
  • Reduction in organizational delays
  • Reduction in delays in acquiring plant and equipment, and goods and services
  • Keeps entrepreneurs on track
  • Provides benchmarks

In fact, studies show that even the presence of planning benefits entrepreneurial success. Presence refers to the whether a business plan is completed, while formality refers to a documented business plan. A written formal business plan was found to significantly influence a positive business start.

A lot is written about the benefits of writing a business plan in general terms. It’s good to know that studies of specific companies backs up the generalities. A business plan is a tool for success any way you look at it.

More detailed information and useful advice can be found at Created by Mark Favre, it offers expertise and assistance with developing and funding your concept, including a private forum for queries and discussions. If you need access to investors and funding providers, please do check our website.

Writing a Business Plan with Employee Taxes in Mind

Writing a business plan isn’t just a matter of writing whatever is on your mind.  It’s a carefully crafted document that considers a number of variables. One of the most important variables is a plan for hiring because salaries and wages and benefits expenses can be a substantial amount of total expenses. A couple of ways to minimize payroll expenses and prove you are a savvy business person is to manage the type of employees hired and methods of expense reimbursements to take advantage of tax credits and savings.

The first step is to research the tax credits that are available. For example, the Affordable Care Act offers small businesses hiring low and moderate income workers a health care tax credit for health insurance expenses as long as the business covers at least half of the single coverage for employees. The business plan can reflect this tax credit so you reflect higher profit.

Another way to lower employee related taxes is to institute an accountable plan. An accountable plan is one in which you reimburse employees for certain expenses and those amounts are exempt from FICA and FUTA taxes. This amount can be sizable if your business plan is written for a company that will have employees incurring regular expenses for travel, entertainment, business tools, supplies and so on. The accountable plan described in IRS Publication 463 requires that all reimbursable expenses be business related, of course. The expenses are not taxable to the employees either.

There are a host of tax credits available for hiring particular types of employees. For example, there are tax credits for hiring veterans or Indians. As you develop a business plan, consider ways to minimize taxes through savings and credits. These amounts will flow right to your bottom line, and just as importantly, potential funders will know you are a wise and savvy business person.

More detailed information and useful advice can be found at Created by Mark Favre, it offers expertise and assistance with developing and funding your concept, including a private forum for queries and discussions. If you need access to investors and funding providers, please do check our website.

Showcase Diversity In Your Business

Some investors aren’t just interested in your business ideas. They also want to know that you embrace diversity. A business can have diverse employees or focus on supplier diversity, or encompass both in the business model. As globalization becomes standard practice for all businesses from the large corporation to the sole proprietor working at home, diversity of people and spend becomes more important.

Why do investors care? They care because the makeup of the population and the marketplace are changing. In the U.S. alone, the highest birth rates are among minorities and every state has increased in racial and ethnic diversity since the year 2000. However, the U.S. is just one segment of the total global marketplace, albeit the largest single entity. As businesses go online to find rapid business growth, they must attract a diverse customer base. It only makes sense that the business would add diversity to its internal operations in order to better compete.

When investors are considering funding a business, they want as much assurance as possible that the internal culture, systems and processes mesh well with the reality of the marketplace. An organization that is committed to diversity and has a definitive strategy for ensuring diversity becomes a reality is one that proves it fully understands the complexity of the global marketplace. In other words, diversity can be leveraged into enduring success, and that is what investors want to fund – a business that is on the path to lasting operational success.

Before approaching investors, it’s important to analyze the diversity of your organization. Awareness, alignment and sustainability of diversity in employees and suppliers are concepts that should be put into practice.

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Business Plan Show-and-Tell

Potential investors review business plans regularly. It can be tempting to think of the business plan as a tell-all document that describes current status and future plans. However, the business plan is more than a description of goals, strategies and financial projections. It’s a document should bring your business sharply into focus and add credibility to your ideas and claims of potential success. The plan must present your business to its best advantage which means adding your personal style.

In other words, the business plan is not just a “tell” document. It’s a show-and-tell document. The business plan will tell the reader about an invention, but must show how it will be turned into a profitable product or service. You can tell investors about the management team, but must show how specific capabilities and talents make the business leaders uniquely qualified. You can tell funders how much money you need, but you must show how those profits will be generated. In every section, you want to avoid simply telling investors about plans and show them with specifics how you intend on making the ideas come to life in the marketplace and why you are able to make it happen.

Another way to view the business plan is that it must clearly answer questions about uniqueness. How is the idea unique? How will the marketplace judge its uniqueness? What makes the specific product or service unique compared to those sold by competitors? The traditional sections of the business plan are always included – marketing plan, financial projections, competition and so on. But don’t forget to add the “show” to the “tell” because without it your plan will be missing the focus needed to attract investors.

Business plans are serious documents but that doesn’t mean they should be lifeless. Bring your business into sharp focus and that makes it possible for investors to imagine success.

More detailed information and useful advice can be found at Created by Mark Favre, it offers expertise and assistance with developing and funding your concept, including a private forum for queries and discussions. If you need access to investors and funding providers, please do check our website.

Two Ways to Define Sustainability and Attract Investors

Sustainability is a topic of interest today, and it interests investors and businesses. There are two ways to consider sustainability. Sustainability may refer to the ability of a company to maintain organic growth as it expands operations. Sustainability also references corporate responsibility in support of the community and environment. Either way, many business opportunities are created and investors must decide which ones present the most opportunities.

In today’s economy, the two types of sustainability actually merge. There are companies that have found organic growth by offering environmentally sound products and services. As green technology advances, those businesses on the cutting edge of new product and service development need financing for research and development, manufacturing and innovative marketplace implementations. These are exactly the kind of companies that many investors are looking for because these entrepreneurs represent the future which means long term success.

Sustainability used to be a fad concept, but now it’s an imperative – either way you want to define sustainability. Businesses that can grow in the current economic climate are the operations that learn to be lean and productive and more likely to succeed and expand through the years. Businesses that contribute to the environment by offering green products and services are poised for explosive growth as global and domestic environmental issues come to the forefront. Investors are ready to accept the risks of opportunity as long as the business has a strong business plan. Whether you need startup funding or expansion funding, if you can show you’re a sustainability leader then there are investors ready to help you march forward.

More detailed information and useful advice can be found at Created by Mark Favre, it offers expertise and assistance with developing and funding your concept, including a private forum for queries and discussions. If you need access to investors and funding providers, please do check our website.

Getting Down to the Details of Presenting a Business Plan

There’s plenty of information about writing business plans for investors, but what about the actual presentation? Like any job, there are details that must get attention or the big picture falls apart. During a business plan presentation, the audience is going to be considering the details of the presentation as well as the details of the plan itself.

Presentation details include things like the format, the length, the graphs and charts selected, the flow of the information presented, and the efficiency of the presentation itself. Giving investors a good impression of your organizational and presentational skills enhances the information in the business plan. Rambling or disorganized presentations can detract from the information being conveyed.

So what are these small details? The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) business school recommends that the business plan presentation should only be approximately 30 minutes long. That may surprise some people, but we live in a society where people expect information to be conveyed quickly. Another recommendation is to keep the information on each page, slide or Powerpoint chart easy to read which means not putting too much information on it. A single page of presentation should have a maximum of 6 bullet points.

The flow of the presentation is important also. It should begin with a very brief overview of the company with a focus on why the services or products are problem solving and thus compelling. The overview is followed by a definition of the market need, the solution your products or services offer, the specific benefits conveyed to the market through your products or services and a description of the market and customers. You will also need to describe your competitive advantage. In a few presentation pages, the marketing plan and financial projections are presented.

A mistake many entrepreneurs make is developing a presentation that is too long and tedious. Investors are savvy and will ask the questions they need to know right then. However, investors and their accounting and legal advisors will study the written plan closely at a later date before making a decision. During the presentation, your goal is to get the interest of the investors to the point where they want to know more. It’s not to stuff as much information as possible into an hour.

More detailed information and useful advice can be found at Created by Mark Favre, it offers expertise and assistance with developing and funding your concept, including a private forum for queries and discussions. If you need access to investors and funding providers, please do check our website.

Don’t Hype the Business Plan

A business plan is a living breathing document in that it can help you obtain capital through angel investors and then serve as the blueprint for goals and strategies. However, the business plan filled with hype is dead on arrival during fund raising because business plan readers will quickly recognize over-promising exuberance not based in reality. You may have an amazing idea and believe it’s a wide open market niche with no competition, but can you prove so?

Though angel investors are not financial institutions, they still rely on solid market and financial evidence for decision making. Using an abundance of words like ‘unprecedented’ and ‘one of a kind’ sends a signal that you have not done in-depth market research. Even if you have done the research, these kinds of hype words set a tone of naiveté and inexperience because very few products are unprecedented and lack competition.

As you write the business plan with the intent of submitting to angel investors, the words you need to be thinking should be more along the lines of ‘proven’, ‘accomplishments’ and ‘competition.’ If you say that your product is unprecedented then that word needs to be supported by third-party market research proving to the best of their ability that you have actually developed a radically new product.  Even in that case, you also must still prove that an expanded market will want to buy your unprecedented product before angel investors will capitalize your startup. An unsold unprecedented product has no value.

Avoiding the hype in a business plan takes discipline because entrepreneurs are naturally excited about their initial stage of business growth. Hype makes your job of selling a business plan to angel investors much harder than it needs to be. Avoid the hype and the business plan begins on solid ground, and from there your fund raising chances can only go up.

More detailed information and useful advice can be found at Created by Mark Favre, it offers expertise and assistance with developing and funding your concept, including a private forum for queries and discussions. If you need access to investors and funding providers, please do check our website.

Accepting Economic Challenges Via the Business Plan

Addressing today’s economic environment in a business plan may seem challenging, but it’s also the perfect time to prove you’re up to the challenge. In fact, angel investors are aware that successful ventures in a tight economy are poised for expansion when the economy improves. Successfully starting, managing and growing a business when the GDP is expanding at a sluggish 3 percent (like now) or less is indicative of a business with high growth potential as the economy returns to normal. Though capital access may seem tight, making it difficult to obtain venture funding, the fact is that it’s time like these where some of the greatest opportunity exists.

For example, tight markets mean less competition for both customers and funding. The people who succeed in this type of economic climate are the ones who have solid business plans and excellent ideas. The general quality of brands is necessarily raised because only the best can compete. These companies are attractive to investors looking to fund companies with growth potential.

Another way to look at the business climate is that businesses able to develop business plans that accommodate tight capital markets are more likely to attract angel investors. The reason is due to the fact the investors will recognize that the financially conservative business is prepared for economic downturns as well as upswings. Too many business plans begin with unreasonable expectations given market conditions. Clearly showing how your business will succeed in tight economic conditions is, at the same time, showing how the business is prepared to successfully maneuver during periods of uncertainty or even setbacks over the long term. Compelling business ideas coupled with managed risk is an excellent formula for attracting angel investors.

More detailed information and useful advice can be found at Created by Mark Favre, it offers expertise and assistance with developing and funding your concept, including a private forum for queries and discussions. If you need access to investors and funding providers, please do check our website.