Listen to Investors and Learn About Internet Startups

Investors will tell anyone who wants to listen that the internet has changed the face of investing in some respects and maintained investing rules in other ways. Early stage internet businesses can now start on the proverbial dime which has encouraged entrepreneurs to jump into business enterprises. However, just because you can start a business cheaply doesn’t mean you can keep it going.

Though there are stories of businesses like Facebook started in a dorm room and now sold for billions that is not the typical story. Yet the success of Facebook and other startups bought by larger internet businesses like Facebook make it clear that there is a market for these types of startups. In fact, the Wall Street Journal ran a story that discussed the fact that each year there are 15 winning tech companies started each year, and they are able to grow because of investors willing to fund seed-stage and young companies.

There are some lessons to be learned by the tech company successes and failures. For one thing, investors now expect new internet businesses to have a substantial following before they seek funding. That is a reflection of the fact that there are thousands of internet based startups every year so investors can be selective based on the sheer quantity of businesses. The good news for young internet businesses though is found in the fact that investors are looking for the next great internet companies. They want to help startups and they want to see entrepreneurs with great ideas succeed.

That is the real lesson to be learned from the internet winners and losers – everyone has a chance to be winner.

More detailed information and useful advice can be found at Created by Mark Favre, it offers expertise and assistance with developing and funding your concept, including a private forum for queries and discussions. If you need access to investors and funding providers, please do check our website.

What Investors Want to Find in a Business Plan

Entrepreneurs listen to professionals working with investors tell them over and over again that they need to develop a business plan. Instead of getting help, some managers finally develop one on their own, but it doesn’t take long to figure out that it lacks real effort. Investors are savvy and have read hundreds of business plans so recognize when a plan has been assembled in a haphazard manner.

In other words, you can’t fool the experts. A business plan lacking quality reflects a lack of concern about the business brand and on the business owners and management. A poorly designed business plan also sends a message that the business owners have not taken long range planning seriously and so casts doubt on the ability of the enterprise to succeed over the long term. It will be almost impossible to attract investors with this kind of business plan. Investors need confidence that their funding will be used in a successful business model that will earn the return expected.

What constitutes a poor quality business plan? First, they typically leave out important sections like the market analysis. Secondly, a plan that is poorly organized and difficult to read makes it nearly impossible to find information, and that discourages investors. Third, a business plan filled with typos and grammatical errors indicates that no one read the plan more than once or that it was written quickly with little thought. Fourth, a plan with inadequate research and lacking data and facts that can be verified will also turn investors away.

If you want to ensure investors pay attention to your business plan, then you need to pay attention to it too. To get the attention of investors, entrepreneurs need to develop a solid plan that reflects thoughtfulness, research and long range planning.  A high quality business plan is a blueprint for success, and that’s exactly what investors are looking for – success potential. If you are not comfortable writing a business plan then the first step to take is getting experienced help with the preparation. There is just too much riding on the business plan to do otherwise.

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Think Twice Before Choosing Crowdfunding When Looking for an Investor

Finding investors often consumes the attention of small business owners. Money is always an issue when businesses are ready to expand. Given the proven power of networking and the power of the internet, it should not be surprising that a new form of equity funding has been developed. Crowdfunding is the new investor kid on the block, and it’s generating a lot of excitement because it seems to cut out the middleman, so to speak.

Crowdfunding was approved by the JOBS Act in April 2012 and allows small business enterprises and startups to directly solicit investors for equity investments. It sounds great at first glance, but for many companies it would be more strategically advantageous to go through a professional fund locator company rather than try to raise equity funding on their own. The details of crowdfunding are still being worked out, but there are already indications that small businesses are viewing this as ‘easy money’. That’s far from the truth.

Crowdfunding will still require the business to prepare a business plan that proves the investment is wise. Crowdfunding involves investors pooling their money. Businesses can then solicit as a maximum $1 million investment. However, each investor will get equity ownership in the business. If the business expands in the future and needs a larger capital amount, success may be hampered by the fact the company now has dozens or hundreds of equity owners. Venture capitalists may not be anxious to get involved in that kind of arrangement.

The best plan is to consult with a professional experienced in raising capital for businesses. Understanding all the ins and outs of new sources of funding is critical before deciding to jump in.

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The Right Investors for the Right Business

Finding the right investors for small businesses is often top of the list for entrepreneurs. It’s tempting to cast a wide net and see who shows any interest. That may work sometimes, but it often leads to a lot of wasted time and possibly loss of some control over your business – a loss that was not intended.  It’s much wiser to go after the right type of funding and maintain control over the process. There are so many different kinds of investors that you can target, and you want to attract the ones that fit your strategic goals to save time, effort and money.

Investors all have one thing in common – they want to get a decent return on their investment. However, they have different requirements concerning collateral, equity ownership, business control and investment payback time. Each of these issues must be carefully evaluated from the business and the potential investor’s perspectives. For example, venture capitalists may want to share control of the business depending on the circumstances. If you don’t want to give up control, it would be wiser to attract angel investors or apply for a business loan.

Small businesses need to exercise the same type of caution with investors as the large corporations do. Matching the right investor to the right investment is a formula for success. However, it never pays to get too excited about accepting funding from investors unless you fully understand the advantages and disadvantages of that particular type of investment. The reason there are so many types of investors is because there are so many different types of business needs.

More detailed information and useful advice can be found at Created by Mark Favre, it offers expertise and assistance with developing and funding your concept, including a private forum for queries and discussions. If you need access to investors and funding providers, please do check our website.

Business Plan for Buying a Business

Business plans are developed for new businesses and when buying an existing business. Sometimes, entrepreneurs want to buy an ongoing business because they believe they can grow a business with new ideas and approaches. When buying a business, it’s still important to write a business plan to ensure that all aspects of the purchase have been considered and future growth is planned. In many cases, the business plan is also used to attract investors like venture capitalists or angel investors.

There are advantages to buying a business and those advantages should be highlighted in the business plan. The first advantage is the fact the company already has a financial record. That can make it much easier to attract investors if there is less risk of business failure. However, if financial projections are made by the current business owner, it will be important to verify they are not inflated. You will want to develop your own sales and expense projections for 5 to 10 years based on plans for business expansion.

Another advantage of buying an existing business results from the knowing the market already exists for the business. Current customers are identified and market proven, making it much easier to identify potential growth areas or new niche markets. Since the basic customer profile is already developed, you can build on it rather than starting from scratch.

It’s also good to enjoy the advantage of having access to insider information. Since you’re buying the business, the current owner is going to be willing to share a lot of information you would have to research if starting a new business. This information can be incorporated in the business plan, making it clear that the plan is based in solid facts and information.

Buying a business can give you a competitive advantage because the name, location, products and services, and customers are already in place. The business plan goals are to develop that competitive advantage to attract investors and to plan growth. It’s always nice to begin from a point of success.

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Writing a Business Plan with Employee Taxes in Mind

Writing a business plan isn’t just a matter of writing whatever is on your mind.  It’s a carefully crafted document that considers a number of variables. One of the most important variables is a plan for hiring because salaries and wages and benefits expenses can be a substantial amount of total expenses. A couple of ways to minimize payroll expenses and prove you are a savvy business person is to manage the type of employees hired and methods of expense reimbursements to take advantage of tax credits and savings.

The first step is to research the tax credits that are available. For example, the Affordable Care Act offers small businesses hiring low and moderate income workers a health care tax credit for health insurance expenses as long as the business covers at least half of the single coverage for employees. The business plan can reflect this tax credit so you reflect higher profit.

Another way to lower employee related taxes is to institute an accountable plan. An accountable plan is one in which you reimburse employees for certain expenses and those amounts are exempt from FICA and FUTA taxes. This amount can be sizable if your business plan is written for a company that will have employees incurring regular expenses for travel, entertainment, business tools, supplies and so on. The accountable plan described in IRS Publication 463 requires that all reimbursable expenses be business related, of course. The expenses are not taxable to the employees either.

There are a host of tax credits available for hiring particular types of employees. For example, there are tax credits for hiring veterans or Indians. As you develop a business plan, consider ways to minimize taxes through savings and credits. These amounts will flow right to your bottom line, and just as importantly, potential funders will know you are a wise and savvy business person.

More detailed information and useful advice can be found at Created by Mark Favre, it offers expertise and assistance with developing and funding your concept, including a private forum for queries and discussions. If you need access to investors and funding providers, please do check our website.

Business Plan Writing When the Economy is Less Than Desirable

Writing a business plan for a new business to secure funding in a weak economy may seem like an impossible task. That’s the wrong attitude to have though because it’s actually quite the opposite. In a weak economy funders are looking for innovative and creative ideas that give them an opportunity to make a profitable investment when other financial vehicles are experiencing low returns.

Investors have trouble making money when the Federal Reserve is keeping the federal funds rate at 0 to one-quarter percent. In fact, the U.S. Central Bank Open Market Committee just reiterated on April 25, 2012 that it’s holding interest rates to near zero levels through the end of next year. That means investors must turn to alternative investments to compensate for lack of opportunity in the traditional financial markets.

Writing a business plan in a less than desirable economy should be viewed as an opportunity rather than an impossible task. As an entrepreneur, you are presenting the opportunity to increase investor cash flow and earnings. The business plan can also prove that a weak economy offers unique competitive conditions that increase the odds of success.

For example, the high unemployment rate means specialized labor is available at affordable wage rates. Another business advantage is the fact many potential competitors have already gone out of business which creates market opportunities. Also, the marketplace is ready for innovation in an economy that demands high performance levels. Your business plan can present strategies that take advantage of these opportunities, and that’s just the kind of thinking that gets the attention of funders.

So don’t think of the weak economy with discouragement. Think of it as opportunity for innovation, and then present those opportunities in your business plan with confidence.

More detailed information and useful advice can be found at Created by Mark Favre, it offers expertise and assistance with developing and funding your concept, including a private forum for queries and discussions. If you need access to investors and funding providers, please do check our website.

Crowdfunding Facilitated with New Legislation

Smaller investors can now be solicited via the internet to pool resources in a practice called crowdfunding. The recently passed Jumpstart Our Business Startup Act (JOBS Act) sent to President Obama for signing is designed to make it easier for small businesses to raise capital. The main foundation of the legislation rests in giving businesses the ability to raise a limited amount of seed money or growth capital by encouraging investors to visit an SEC registered website where projects are listed.

The SEC registered websites will be used by entrepreneurs to list their businesses and present their funding needs. To drive potential investors to the website, the business will notify family, friends, customers and other individual investors that the business is listed by using social media tools like Twitter, Facebook and other internet based communication systems. The potential investors can visit the website, read about the business idea and then operate as a community to analyze and pick apart the business idea, investment opportunity, business model and so on. Once the business idea is accepted, investment money is sent by individual investors, accumulated and eventually transferred once the funding target is met. There are a number of other requirements, rules and limitations associated with this legislation, and this is only a brief summary of the law.

Legislating crowdfunding is considered by many to be an important step towards making it easier for people to become investors in small businesses. With tight capital markets, this new form of business funding can become an important source of money for startups and small businesses having difficulty accessing traditional funding sources. Professionals who connect businesses with investors can provide more information about the new legislation, and other sources of funding, and provide critical assistance with developing a successful business plan that attracts funding.

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Business Innovation Attracts Investors

Innovation is one of the many qualities investors look for when evaluating a potential investment opportunity. Angel investors, venture capitalists and even banks and other financial institutions are looking for new and creative ideas, problem solving approaches, business models and technology. An espresso machine for the car? Clean coal? Heat generated from fabric? “Green” bridge building material? New take on social media? All of these represent real and innovative products and services that attract investors.

Innovation represents a brand new way of managing something whether its products or services. Innovation adds an edge to competitive dynamics by spurring consumer demand and thus business growth. Investors look for the potential that a company can gain momentum as a startup entrepreneurship or as an existing business that is ready to use innovation for expansion.

Innovation in the marketplace is actually the foundation for commerce. Small businesses have generated approximately 64 percent of the net new jobs in the economy over the last 15 years. Small businesses also hire more than half of the employees working in the private sector. Entrepreneurship in all forms attracts a myriad of investors who are ready to fund the next innovation start ups or business expansions. That’s because innovation, by its very nature, finds untapped markets where consumer or business needs remain unmet. Innovation represents a goldmine of opportunity for the entrepreneur and the investor.

To attract the investors, you will need to put your ideas in a business plan. The plan will need to show how and why that untapped market exists and how and why the new idea can fill the gaps in these potential markets. For some entrepreneurs, the difficult part is not coming up with ideas. The difficult part is capturing the innovative spirit of the idea in a solid business plan. Fortunately, it’s easy to get professional assistance because some innovative ideas are simply too good to let them get away.

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Two Ways to Define Sustainability and Attract Investors

Sustainability is a topic of interest today, and it interests investors and businesses. There are two ways to consider sustainability. Sustainability may refer to the ability of a company to maintain organic growth as it expands operations. Sustainability also references corporate responsibility in support of the community and environment. Either way, many business opportunities are created and investors must decide which ones present the most opportunities.

In today’s economy, the two types of sustainability actually merge. There are companies that have found organic growth by offering environmentally sound products and services. As green technology advances, those businesses on the cutting edge of new product and service development need financing for research and development, manufacturing and innovative marketplace implementations. These are exactly the kind of companies that many investors are looking for because these entrepreneurs represent the future which means long term success.

Sustainability used to be a fad concept, but now it’s an imperative – either way you want to define sustainability. Businesses that can grow in the current economic climate are the operations that learn to be lean and productive and more likely to succeed and expand through the years. Businesses that contribute to the environment by offering green products and services are poised for explosive growth as global and domestic environmental issues come to the forefront. Investors are ready to accept the risks of opportunity as long as the business has a strong business plan. Whether you need startup funding or expansion funding, if you can show you’re a sustainability leader then there are investors ready to help you march forward.

More detailed information and useful advice can be found at Created by Mark Favre, it offers expertise and assistance with developing and funding your concept, including a private forum for queries and discussions. If you need access to investors and funding providers, please do check our website.